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This is a project I did for my computer security class where I made an intrusion detection system (IDS) and attempted to make an intrusion prevention system (IPS)


Initially, I began by setting up a reverse proxy server. Then when I went to start my project for the Linux class I messed around with logmeinhamachi. And with that I said why not combine the two and make something that instead of talks to clients and servers would monitor the network and sort of do the same and more. So I began by setting up a snort server ( ) that was connected through the hamachi interface to access the network and would monitor the incoming traffic there. The configs and the information on it was really thorough and I was able to get through it with little to no fuss. I did get a few alerts on the server that had to deal with SNMP.

[] [1:1417:9] SNMP request udp [] [Classification: Attempted Information Leak] [Priority: 2] {UDP} ->

[] [1:1411:10] SNMP public access udp [] [Classification: Attempted Information Leak] [Priority: 2] {UDP} ->

That’s when I saw that snort was getting traffic from the schools WiFi instead of the hamachi server. After that I looked in the config and a little bit around for another place to change the interface again but I couldn’t find anything related besides setting the home and external networks. So I then reinstalled snort to make sure that I configured the right IP address and the right device name in the beginning. Then I kept getting the alert “ no preprocessors configured for policy 0 “and I knew from the reading I did before that I would need to run

  snort -v -c /etc/snort/snort.conf

to get rid of this error. However doing that doesn’t allow me to run through the hamachi interface. And after fumbling around I ran

sudo snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -i ham0

and it worked. At the end of it to get the whole thing working I ran:

sudo snort -d -l /var/log/snort/ -h -A console -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -i ham0

Doing this shows me alerts in the console window, application packets are not included and the logging directory is set. The -h I included because I wasn’t sure if the home network from the snort.conf would actually work the way I wanted to. Thiscould probably be omitted from the long string. All in all I think this would be better than simply having a remote proxy as the only daemons on the machine running snort are ssh, samba and a mail daemon. However I thought going a step further and being able to drop or reject packets from automatically from set rules. I haven’t gotten to that point however as time was getting close and I wanted to turn in a working project. So after messing with inline ips mode and the Daq I just went back to doing the old way of using snort without the ips for now. However, I will get that figured out soon and try to make it a ids and an ips.

Video Walkthrough

Snort Write-Up
Note: YouTube Video - Hold Ctrl + Left Click to open in new window