Career Shift

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From Pitt-Bradford to Penn State

The Plan

I’m planning to dive into a career that mixes systems administration with political science analysis. Even though I love IT, I’ve noticed it doesn’t always leave room for creativity. At first, I wanted to be a System Admin because it seemed like the next step up from working at an IT helpdesk. But after seeing where that path was headed, especially with teams getting smaller during COVID, I realized it might not be the best fit for me.

That’s when I started looking into data science. It’s a field that’s growing fast and has a lot of job opportunities. I see this blend of systems administration and political science as a way to use my tech skills while also understanding how politics affects data. It’s not just following a trend; it’s a chance to solve problems in new and creative ways.

Next Steps

For the next few months I will be working to create projects centered around data science and looking at how to optimize simple things in my life. So of course I am going to start with looking at my spending and will see how much I can do to implement savings and other things along with that.