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I am looking for a job that suits my skills

Working in Government

This was an opportunity that I didn’t believe that I even was qualified for even whilst working there. As I got more comfortable and used to the day to day aspects of working in a capitol it got easier. My tasks included reports, writing leislation, sitting in on meetings and following legislation as it materialized into law. Most of my work included fiscal notes for proposed bills. The work was fast paced during the session days and was something I really enjoyed for what it was. Not only did I have a unique experience working in the appropriations committee I also had the privelege to interact with senators and represenatives almost daily.

What I learned

What politics actually looks like really is really a lot of behind closed doors dealings and talking. The actualy work itself isn’t hard in the slightest. The true difficulty comes from the negotiations and gaining of the publics trust and support. Showmanship, reputation and who you know go a long way in that world and its to be seen if I continue on in it. I am going to be out applying for work here soon and the sectors I am looking at are academic with a governmental relation as well as working just in government. The current volatility of industry isn’t something I am looking to be apart of as I am not competitive on paper in the job market.


I plan on just continuing to develop my analytical skills and looking at what can be done in that space as far as work. I’ll be applying to jobs and looking for work soon but the main focus after getting a job will be to get a masters. Though this could change if the job that I get is something I truely enjoy.